Our Mission: To nurture the gardening interests of its members and the community through educational programs and community service.
Our History: The club began in 1980 as the Naperville Men's Garden Club but in 1995 the name was changed to the Naperville Gardeners Club. In January 2003, it was felt that our name should reflect the contributions we make within our community both financial and material so, in what we hope will be our final metamorphosis, we changed our name to Naperville Community Gardeners.
Charter Members of the Naperville Men’s Garden Club (Established 1980):
Dick Bickhaus, George Bruce, Ben Calvert, Dean A. Davis, Alfred Fink, B.T. Gillis, Charles Gorski, Joseph Janczak, Francis Kellogg, Charles Lange, B.W. Michel, Charles Moeller, Eugene Morris, Wayne Nestander, Floyd Neuen, Richard O’Connor, Art Pagnini, Charles Schmidt, Earl Schultz, Joe Spina, Bill Van Cleaf and Charles Weber.
Past Presidents:
1980 Richard O’Connor
1981 George Bruce
1982 Ben Calvert
1983 Earl Schultz
1984 Thell Gillis
1985 Charles Gies
1986 Wendell Jones
1987 Colin Blanchflower
1988 Robert McLean
1989 Tom Graham
1990 Duane Wilson
1991 Joe Pope
1992 Thomas Lehr
1993 Brian Bell
1994 Terry Pilz
1995 Terry Pilz
1996 Joe Pope
1997 Ben Calvert
1998 Bartosiewicz Charles
1999 Linda Hickok
2000 Roy Huckabay
2001 Ron Ory
2002 Brian Bell
2003 Jeri Huckabay
2004 Eleanor Holt
2005 Tom Campbell
2006 Mary Wright
2007 Linda Thompson
2008 Rod Beary
2009 Bob Elvert
2010 Patti Thompson
2011 Arup Bhuyan
2012 Betty Ference
2013 Jan Gricus
2014 Mark Mayszak
2015 Mark Mayszak
2016 Rod Beary
2017 Barbara Bozek
2018 Barbara Bozek
2019 Barbara Bozek
2020 Bob Elvert
2021 Bob Elvert
2022 Jan Gricus
2023 Vicky Polito
2024 Vicky Polito
2025 Board
President: Laurel LaLonde
Vice President: Vicky Polito
Secretary: Rita Titlow
Treasurer: Mary Scherrer
Past President: Vicky Polito
Garden Chats: Laurel LaLonde
Membership: Andrea Paradesi
Mini-Show: Mary Scherrer
Newsletter: Laurel LaLonde
Publicity/Social Media: Laurel LaLonde
President: Laurel LaLonde
Vice President: Vicky Polito
Secretary: Rita Titlow
Treasurer: Mary Scherrer
Past President: Vicky Polito
Garden Chats: Laurel LaLonde
Membership: Andrea Paradesi
Mini-Show: Mary Scherrer
Newsletter: Laurel LaLonde
Publicity/Social Media: Laurel LaLonde
Amended October 7, 2024
1. NAME. Naperville Community Gardeners (hereafter referred to as “the Club”), formerly known as Naperville Gardeners Club and prior to that as the Naperville Men’s Garden Club.
2. PURPOSE. To nurture the gardening interests of its members and the community through educational programs and community service projects.
3. MEMBERSHIP. The Club is open to anyone with gardening interests. By joining the Club, members agree to fulfill the responsibilities listed below.
(a) DUES:
Dues cover the direct operational membership costs incurred by the Club.
I. RENEWING MEMBERS: Annual dues are to be paid by March 31st.
II. NEW MEMBERS: Annual dues are to be paid either before or at the first meeting of the month following the date of a new member’s statement of intent to join.
(b) OTHER FUNDS. All other funds received by the Club may be used for the stated purposes of the Club.
(c) EXPENDITURES. No member may obligate or expend funds without the prior approval of the Club’s Board.
NAPERVILLE COMMUNITY GARDENERS BOARD. The Board is responsible for conducting the business of the Club and consists of the four elected Officers listed below, the Past President, and Committee Chairs in good standing.
PRESIDENT. Responsible for:
· Agendas for all meetings.
· Conducting the meetings.
· Appointing Committee Chairs with the advice of the Board.
VICE-PRESIDENT. Responsible for:
· Acting in the President’s absence.
· Chairing the Speakers/Program Committee.
SECRETARY. Responsible for:
· Recording summary minutes of business and regular meetings.
· Forwarding such meeting minutes to member(s) responsible for appropriate distribution and approval.
TREASURER. Responsible for:
· Drafting the annual budget.
· Accounting of the Club’s funds.
· Accounting of Club assets with a purchase price of $50 or more.
· Consulting with committee chairs’ implementation of the budget.
PAST PRESIDENT. The Past President provides guidance to the new Board members.
COMMITTEES. Standing committees for Membership, Plant Sale, Public Relations, etc. may be formed, as the membership shall determine. The President is responsible for appointing the committee Chairpersons. The Chairpersons, in turn, have the following responsibilities:
· Submitting a proposed committee budget to the Board.
· Spending funds within the approved budget.
· Coordinating with the Treasurer to see that the budgetary guidelines are satisfied and obligations for receipts and payments are met.
· Providing written reports of committee activities/progress at request of the President.
MEMBERS. Meeting attendance is strongly encouraged, though not mandatory. Each member will be:
· Required to fully participate in the Annual Plant Sale.
· Responsible for voting on/approving the Bylaws at the annual meeting.
· Responsible for voting on/approving the annual budget.
· Responsible for voting on/approving increased spending of more than $150 for budgeted and non-budgeted items.
ANNUAL MEETING. The last regularly scheduled meeting of the calendar year at which:
· Officers are elected by voice vote of a majority of a quorum (20% of members in good standing at time of this meeting constitutes a quorum).
· Bylaws and any changes are approved by voice vote of a majority of a quorum (20% of members in good standing at time of this meeting constitutes a quorum).
BOARD MEETINGS. At the call of the President, board meetings will be conducted. Members may attend but not participate in Board meetings. At these meetings the Board shall:
· Receive notice of the appointment of committee chairpersons.
· Approve and direct drafting of proposals to be submitted to membership for any expenditure increase greater than $150 for any budgeted item.
· Approve and direct drafting of proposals to be submitted to membership for any new expenditure greater than $150 not connected to an existing budget item.
· Approve the minutes of previous board meetings
· Review the treasurer’s reports.
· Conduct any business of the Club in support of its purpose.
REGULAR MEETINGS. Regular meetings are open to the public. Special events may be limited to members or members and guests. When voting by membership is needed, this will be done so long as a quorum is present (20% of members in good standing at the time of this meeting constitutes a quorum). For any votes taken outside of meetings, i.e., via email or telephone correspondence, a “poll closing” date and time will be set, and the same quorum rule will apply. So long as the number of votes meets the definition of a quorum, as above, the vote will be considered valid. No full membership votes can be taken without a quorum participating. At the first regular meeting of the calendar year at which a quorum is present, the annual budget will be approved by a majority vote of the members attending.
Regular meetings may include the following activities:
· Approval of the following:
I. Minutes of previous meetings
II. Treasurer’s report
III. Spending of more than $150 in excess of an annual budget item
· Consideration of old business, new business, committee reports and other activities of the Club.
· Reports from Chairpersons highlighting committee activities.
· Presentation by guest speakers to provide information on gardening.
Naperville Community Gardeners is committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for all of its members and guests. All club members and guests have the right to an environment free from bullying and threatening behavior. In the event of any behavior or other conduct that is disrespectful or threatening to any club member or guest, the Naperville Community Gardeners Board will give one written warning and upon any subsequent breach in the Code of Conduct, membership will be permanently revoked.
Any member or guest may bring an incident in question to the Naperville Community Gardeners Board for review. The Naperville Community Gardeners Board reserves the right to determine what constitutes unacceptable behavior.
Amended October 7, 2024
1. NAME. Naperville Community Gardeners (hereafter referred to as “the Club”), formerly known as Naperville Gardeners Club and prior to that as the Naperville Men’s Garden Club.
2. PURPOSE. To nurture the gardening interests of its members and the community through educational programs and community service projects.
3. MEMBERSHIP. The Club is open to anyone with gardening interests. By joining the Club, members agree to fulfill the responsibilities listed below.
(a) DUES:
Dues cover the direct operational membership costs incurred by the Club.
I. RENEWING MEMBERS: Annual dues are to be paid by March 31st.
II. NEW MEMBERS: Annual dues are to be paid either before or at the first meeting of the month following the date of a new member’s statement of intent to join.
(b) OTHER FUNDS. All other funds received by the Club may be used for the stated purposes of the Club.
(c) EXPENDITURES. No member may obligate or expend funds without the prior approval of the Club’s Board.
NAPERVILLE COMMUNITY GARDENERS BOARD. The Board is responsible for conducting the business of the Club and consists of the four elected Officers listed below, the Past President, and Committee Chairs in good standing.
PRESIDENT. Responsible for:
· Agendas for all meetings.
· Conducting the meetings.
· Appointing Committee Chairs with the advice of the Board.
VICE-PRESIDENT. Responsible for:
· Acting in the President’s absence.
· Chairing the Speakers/Program Committee.
SECRETARY. Responsible for:
· Recording summary minutes of business and regular meetings.
· Forwarding such meeting minutes to member(s) responsible for appropriate distribution and approval.
TREASURER. Responsible for:
· Drafting the annual budget.
· Accounting of the Club’s funds.
· Accounting of Club assets with a purchase price of $50 or more.
· Consulting with committee chairs’ implementation of the budget.
PAST PRESIDENT. The Past President provides guidance to the new Board members.
COMMITTEES. Standing committees for Membership, Plant Sale, Public Relations, etc. may be formed, as the membership shall determine. The President is responsible for appointing the committee Chairpersons. The Chairpersons, in turn, have the following responsibilities:
· Submitting a proposed committee budget to the Board.
· Spending funds within the approved budget.
· Coordinating with the Treasurer to see that the budgetary guidelines are satisfied and obligations for receipts and payments are met.
· Providing written reports of committee activities/progress at request of the President.
MEMBERS. Meeting attendance is strongly encouraged, though not mandatory. Each member will be:
· Required to fully participate in the Annual Plant Sale.
· Responsible for voting on/approving the Bylaws at the annual meeting.
· Responsible for voting on/approving the annual budget.
· Responsible for voting on/approving increased spending of more than $150 for budgeted and non-budgeted items.
ANNUAL MEETING. The last regularly scheduled meeting of the calendar year at which:
· Officers are elected by voice vote of a majority of a quorum (20% of members in good standing at time of this meeting constitutes a quorum).
· Bylaws and any changes are approved by voice vote of a majority of a quorum (20% of members in good standing at time of this meeting constitutes a quorum).
BOARD MEETINGS. At the call of the President, board meetings will be conducted. Members may attend but not participate in Board meetings. At these meetings the Board shall:
· Receive notice of the appointment of committee chairpersons.
· Approve and direct drafting of proposals to be submitted to membership for any expenditure increase greater than $150 for any budgeted item.
· Approve and direct drafting of proposals to be submitted to membership for any new expenditure greater than $150 not connected to an existing budget item.
· Approve the minutes of previous board meetings
· Review the treasurer’s reports.
· Conduct any business of the Club in support of its purpose.
REGULAR MEETINGS. Regular meetings are open to the public. Special events may be limited to members or members and guests. When voting by membership is needed, this will be done so long as a quorum is present (20% of members in good standing at the time of this meeting constitutes a quorum). For any votes taken outside of meetings, i.e., via email or telephone correspondence, a “poll closing” date and time will be set, and the same quorum rule will apply. So long as the number of votes meets the definition of a quorum, as above, the vote will be considered valid. No full membership votes can be taken without a quorum participating. At the first regular meeting of the calendar year at which a quorum is present, the annual budget will be approved by a majority vote of the members attending.
Regular meetings may include the following activities:
· Approval of the following:
I. Minutes of previous meetings
II. Treasurer’s report
III. Spending of more than $150 in excess of an annual budget item
· Consideration of old business, new business, committee reports and other activities of the Club.
· Reports from Chairpersons highlighting committee activities.
· Presentation by guest speakers to provide information on gardening.
Naperville Community Gardeners is committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for all of its members and guests. All club members and guests have the right to an environment free from bullying and threatening behavior. In the event of any behavior or other conduct that is disrespectful or threatening to any club member or guest, the Naperville Community Gardeners Board will give one written warning and upon any subsequent breach in the Code of Conduct, membership will be permanently revoked.
Any member or guest may bring an incident in question to the Naperville Community Gardeners Board for review. The Naperville Community Gardeners Board reserves the right to determine what constitutes unacceptable behavior.